Our training facility is fully accredited with SETA and the Institute for Work at Height professional body to offer learning programs in suspended access systems.
Programs on offer:

BMU operators
The persons responsible for the safe use of Building Maintenance Units have to be medically fit, competent in conducting the work to be performed whilst on the BMU and must be trained in compliance with the Owner’s Manual and section 4.3 of SANS10295 part1
Prerequisites: The ability to communicate in English
Duration: 1 days
Registration: n/a
Credits: n/a

Boatswain’s chair operators
Operators are trained under the close supervision of a SETA accredited training provider and are issued with a certificate at the successful conclusion of the training programme.
Prerequisites: The ability to communicate in English
Duration: 1 days
Registration: n/a
Credits: n/a

TSP operator
The person responsible for the safe use of Temporary Suspended Platforms (TSP).
Trained in compliance with Construction Regulations 2014 Section 17(12) (c) and SANS 10295 part 2.
Prerequisites: n/a
Duration: 1 day
Registration: Operator’s permit is issued by the South African Qualifications Authority’s recognised Professional Body – The Institute for Work at Height (IWH)
Credits: n/a

TSP erectors
The persons that assemble, install, relocate and dismantle TSP’s in a safe and efficient manner under supervision of a competent TSP supervisor appointed in terms of Construction regulation 17.1
Prerequisites: n/a
Duration: 3 days
Registration: Erector’s Permit is issued by the IWH Professional Body
Credits: n/a

TSP Supervisor
The TSP User Supervisor is the person appointed by the contractor making use of the TSP in terms of Construction Regulations 2014 Section 17(1). This person is responsible for the safe use of the TSP and carries out all the operational duties defined in section 17 except for sub regulations (8) and (9).
- Competency in communication at NQF Level 3 or equivalent.
- Competency in mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 3 or equivalent
Duration: 5 days
Registration: SAQA unit standard 243271
Credits: 8

General requirements
Learners entering any of these training programs should:
- Have a valid medical certificate of fitness to work at heights
- Have an original certified copy of their ID document
- Have their own PPE including: safety shoes, hard hat with chin strap, full body harness with shock absorbing lanyard.
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